An accomplishment two and a half years in the making. 

During the pandemic I really wanted to focus on using the downtime wisely.  I made it a point to not let the disturbance slow down my growth both personally and professionally.  As I saw social media get even worse with the complaining, venting, taking sides on staying locked inside vs going out, mask mandates, vaccines, and oftentimes malicious comments if someone wasn’t on “your side”, I kept asking myself one question:

‘What can I do with this time that would be the most productive to me in terms of my evolution as both a professional businessman as well as a human being?’

I was given an opportunity to not only work as a part-time teaching assistant for several exercise science classes at Florida Atlantic University, but also return to school as a full-time student to earn my masters degree in the field of exercise science and health promotion.  So for the past few years, in addition to my other responsibilities and entrepreneurial ventures, I have been doing homework, writing papers, and taking exams 😳.    

I often recall the quote from Slyvester Stallone from the movie “Rocky Balboa” when he says, “I still got some stuff in the basement”, referring to some things in his life that he needed to get to before it was too late.  Getting this masters degree was in my basement.  I’ve wanted this for a long time.    

For my family: as I continue striving to uphold the Roselli family name as a group of hard workers who just simply and soundly gets the job done.  No complaining about situations or obstacles, and proud of our Italian-American heritage.  

For my clients and employers: to continue showing them that I will never get complacent, I will always look to keep learning, keep getting better, keep evolving, and doing my best to serve them at the highest level possible.  

For my daughter: to show her that it doesn’t matter how old you are, it doesn’t matter what you’ve already done in your life, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes, that you either find a way or find an excuse.  And for her to know that her daddy is always trying to be the best version of himself,  so I can be the best daddy possible for her.  

Through all of this, I’m proud to say I still never missed a gymnastics class, ballet practice, tee ball game, or any school event. Full-time business owner, full-time student, while being fully immersed in fatherhood was just another way to challenge my time management skills.  I’d often chuckle to myself when I heard people say how busy they were.  I’m so glad I didn’t just sit back and let several years of my life (and health) slip away because things got hard and uncomfortable.  I tell my students and clients all the time, pushing through uncomfortable situations is where the magic happens.  When I decided to do this, I made a vow and demanded from myself that I would get straight A’s and there is no other grade acceptable.  I’ve heard the phrase, “even C’s get degrees” but I can’t imagine settling for that and having that type of mentality.

So what’s next? Come on, if you don’t think I have more to accomplish (and if you doubt me) then you don’t know me very well.  I still got some more stuff in the basement.  Time to get to work on the next goal.  I hope you are as well.    


In Good Health,

Giovanni Roselli

M.S. Exercise Science & Health Promotion



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